How Often Should I REALLY Be Washing My Hair?
The ultimate hair question, which has often polarised the beauty industry: how often should I wash my hair?
Many hair experts have conflicting views and opinions when it comes to this age-old hair question, finding a definitive answer can sometimes feel impossible, contradictory, and overwhelming. First of all, it’s important to note that different hair types and textures will need different care. We also all have different scalps, much like we have different skin types, that require different needs.
What works perfectly for one head of hair and scalp might not work the same for another. There really is no universal right answer. Instead, it comes down to you and your hair personally, and that takes some trial and error to get right!

Understanding Your Hair Type
To understand your hair’s needs a little better, it’s helpful to begin by understanding your hair type. Need the breakdown?
There are four main hair types, type 1 is straight, type 2 is wavy, type 3 is curly, and type 4 is coily. Then within these four hair types, you have three subcategories which refer to texture, A which is wide, B which is medium, and C which is tightest. When talking about curls it’s very common to see 2B, 3C, 4C etc, thrown around, so now you know what that’s referring to!
You can work out your hair type by washing your hair and leaving it to air dry using no products. From here, you should be able to identify if you fit into types 1, 2, 3 or 4. However, if you’re struggling, we would recommend looking up a hair chart online and comparing how your air-dried hair matches in comparison to each example. Understanding your hair’s texture can be a little more difficult, as you have to feel a strand of your hair using your fingertips to distinguish whether it’s fine, medium or coarse. This is tricky if you have no other hair around you to compare yours too, so we’d recommend asking your hairdresser if you’re struggling with this part!
Hair types and textures aren’t always the most obvious combinations; for example, it’s possible to have wavy, fine hair with high density, making the overall appearance of your hair appear thicker, when in fact, the hair strands themselves are fine, you just have lots of them. That’s why understanding each element is crucial to understanding which hair-washing routine is right for you. Someone with fine hair and high density shouldn’t be washing their hair as if they have thick hair, even though it appears to be that way at first glance! Now that you have a better understanding of your hair type and texture, let's get into hair washing and how frequently you should be doing it.

Hair Washing: Is There a Magic Number?
At SILKE London we luckily have a hair expert in our co-founder, Maria Sotiriou. Maria has spent 37 years in the hair industry caring for her client’s hair and specialising in unruly hair types that sometimes need a little extra care and attention.
When asked if you should wash your hair every day she said:
“I would never recommend washing your hair every day. Over 37 years of working on client’s hair, never have I advised anyone to do this, no matter their hair type or texture. Instead, what I have done, is recommend clients to stop washing their hair every day, and every time, their hair has improved. Many people like to compare hair with skin. However, one vital difference that separates the two: skin is alive, and your hair is not. Hair has a living follicle, yes, but we must remember that the hair itself is not alive. Therefore, it’s important to understand the different needs of the scalp vs. the hair. They have different needs, so we must find the balance with a hair wash routine that encourages them both to flourish.”
According to Maria there is a sweet number when it comes to washing your hair weekly, she says:
“Washing your hair once a week is a good routine to aim for for all hair types. Your hair is always going to need a helping hand to stretch out the days in between washes, that’s where your SILKE Hair Wrap comes into play! After all, we’re all unique, so there is always going to be a slight difference in the number of days that’s optimum for you personally, but I advise once a week as a goal to aim for.”

If you have finer hair, you will tend to have more oil glands, so your hair may become oiler at a faster rate than someone with coarse, thick hair. If that’s the case, you may want to factor in an extra hair wash throughout the week, but even finer hair types should avoid daily washing, according to Maria. If you’re over-washing your hair, it’s going to lead to unintentional stripping of the natural oils generated at your scalp. which have amazing properties when it comes to hydrating your hair. By wearing a SILKE Hair Wrap nightly, you can encourage those natural oils to be distributed evenly from root to tip. As silk is a natural, ancient fabric with borderline-magical properties, it doesn’t suck any of those oils out of your hair as abrasive fabrics do. So, your lengths can enjoy all of that goodness and hydration whilst being cocooned inside your Wrap whilst you sleep. Your Hair Wrap will, in turn, eliminate that oil build-up at the roots, which causes greasy hair. If you can prolong that look and feel of greasy hair, you can prolong your hair wash.
Maria goes on to say:
“If we can reduce over washing in our hair routines, we in turn, reduce overuse of products and heated tools, therefore saving the hair from unnecessary breakage. In my experience, the most important thing is to wash your hair and scalp properly. It will surprise you to know that many people wash their hair every day but don’t do it properly, therefore continuously having greasy hair without knowing why. Often, I would send clients back to the basin to be rewashed because of this.
To me, a ‘proper hair wash’ is a double shampoo ensuring that behind the ears and nape of the neck are given extra attention as these are the areas that get the dirtiest. I would always spend at least 5 minutes giving your scalp a good massage, this will dislodge any dirt and dry skin like an exfoliation as well as stimulating the hair cuticles which promotes healthy, shiny hair and growth.”

What About The Gym Goers?
Now we have a good understanding of what a general weekly hair wash routine should look like, what about those who’re in the gym a lot? Maria says:
“Sweating in the gym can be a big reason as to why people feel like they need to wash their hair every day. If you exercise regularly then I advise you to try and leave a few days in between wash days, and schedule wash days around your sweatiest workouts. Wearing your hair in styles that aren’t abrasive to your hair, such as a loose low-pony or braids, will help if you feel the need to restyle when you’ve taken out a tight up-do. Also, try not to touch your hair in the gym, as this can also promote excess dirt and grease build up on your hair. Going back to my point about making sure you shampoo your hair properly, this is even more essential if you frequent the gym, so make sure every hair wash matters, and you’re getting rid of any sweat build-up with each shampoo!”
So there you have our expert’s take. Feel free to message us over on our Instagram to let us know if you agree or have any questions for Maria.
Love, SILKE xo
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