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How To Curl Short Hair Without Heat

How To Curl Short Hair Without Heat

Does The Sun Damage Your Hair?

Does The Sun Damage Your Hair?

As the clocks go forward and the temperature tentatively rises, summer is finally on the cards.  With the summer, comes the sun, and with the sun, comes the commonly asked question - does the sun d...

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The Beach Accessory Your Hair Will Thank You For

The Beach Accessory Your Hair Will Thank You For

We all know and love our SILKE London Hair Wraps as an integral part of our nightly hair routine, but have you thought about wearing it to the beach?  Our founder, Maria Sotiriou, who has 30+ year...

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Tips for Low Maintenance Festival Hair

Festival trickiness is a two-pronged attack:  ONE - The practicalities. 3 - 5 days with no shower, tongs and minimal products makes for pretty limited creative styling options. TWO - Selecting you...

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