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No-Sweat Hair Tips Every Gym Girl Should Know

No-Sweat Hair Tips Every Gym Girl Should Know

10 Reasons To Wrap

10 Reasons To Wrap

If you’ve not introduced a SILKE London Hair Wrap into your nightly routine, maybe you’ll have to reconsider after checking out our ‘10 reasons to wrap’...  1. Naturally promote hair growth The Hai...

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Tips for Low Maintenance Festival Hair

Festival trickiness is a two-pronged attack:  ONE - The practicalities. 3 - 5 days with no shower, tongs and minimal products makes for pretty limited creative styling options. TWO - Selecting you...

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Say farewell to GREASY hair days. Permanently.

Say farewell to GREASY hair days. Permanently.

We'll do anything short of sticking our head in the washing machine to make sure our hair is looking clean. But we all know that washing your hair too often only wreaks havoc on our locks, it's jus...

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