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How To Clean Silk

How To Clean Silk

The Overnight Hair Hack Your Curls Are Craving

The Overnight Hair Hack Your Curls Are Craving

Did you know that you spend a third of your life in bed? And that most unintentional damage to your hair is done whilst you’re asleep? With over 35 years in the hair industry, our founder, Maria So...

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The Lazy Girl's Guide To Simple Haircare

The Lazy Girl's Guide To Simple Haircare

When it comes to haircare, we’re all about minimal effort and maximum results; our products are the lazy girl’s dream! Who said you can’t have it all?  View this post on Instagram ...

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How To Prevent and Manage Hair Loss

How To Prevent and Manage Hair Loss

Hair loss can happen at many different stages in life, for many different reasons. After childbirth, as we age, due to illness or poor hair practices, just to name a few. We've gone to our founder,...

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No-Sweat Hair Tips Every Gym Girl Should Know

No-Sweat Hair Tips Every Gym Girl Should Know

Fitness lovers know that maintaining gorgeous hair, whilst keeping up an exercise routine can feel like quite the chore! Finding a balance between sweaty days, and hair wash days, is the ultimate ...

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Tips for Low Maintenance Festival Hair

Festival trickiness is a two-pronged attack:  ONE - The practicalities. 3 - 5 days with no shower, tongs and minimal products makes for pretty limited creative styling options. TWO - Selecting you...

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Say farewell to GREASY hair days. Permanently.

Say farewell to GREASY hair days. Permanently.

We'll do anything short of sticking our head in the washing machine to make sure our hair is looking clean. But we all know that washing your hair too often only wreaks havoc on our locks, it's jus...

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